Two Men, Three Days, Two Projects
Projects Above:
While I was gone at a two day festivial, Noah's dad came in to lend a hand. I owe this man a lot because he has really fought to keep us going.
With heavy rain on its way, the first priority was to finish the door, which he and I had just framed. The men, in their two matching hats (totally accidental), installed wooden siding for a feature wall on the back of the trailer. This will be the only physical decoration/material that will be added to the outside of the house; we will eventually paint over the logo on the sides. While the door itself went in smoothly and quickly, the process of cutting all the wood took them a few days. They were both troopers though because each day had tempatures upwards of 85 degrees with random showers throughout the day.
Finally, they installed the small sink for the 'toilet room'; a sink that features an automatic faucet when you place your hands in the bowl. We're both really pleased with this tiny, cute sink!
Eventually, many moons from now, we'll frame around the sink and add storage and medicine cabinets.